Forgotten Book Series & Forgotten Moyie

Forgotten Moyie, the latest book in popular history series:

Forgotten Moyie beckons to be read as the latest edition in the Forgotten Series that we are proud to call a collective. We cordially invite you to our Ed Talks with Wild Horse Creek Publisher and co-author Keith G. Powell at the Cranbrook History Centre (CHC) on January 15.

This event is not just a talk but an interactive session where you can share your thoughts and questions. Books, including copies of Forgotten Cranbrook, Forgotten Kimberley, and Forgotten Creston, will be available at the venue. Join us for a candid discussion about our favourite parts of the books, the process of researching and writing the Forgotten Book Series by the Columbia Basin Institute of Regional History and Wild Horse Creek Press and the importance of the CBIRH’s digital archives. Books can be purchased through our online store: or by contacting 

Forgotten Book Series – Columbia Basin Institute of Regional History and Wild Horse Creek Press