Life as an alternate student at Mount Baker Secondary School
By Sasha Buckley
I received This cool topic for today’s assignment at the Columbia Basin Institute of Regional History (CBIRH) – school and a new year in the alternate program at Mount Baker Secondary School (MBSS).
School is an exciting place. Everyone is going back to it, so they must like it there. While my friends have numerous complaints about
high school, I don’t mind it too much.
For me, right now, school is the highlight of my day.
I work four hours a week with the CBIRH and have few commitments at home, so school is the most interesting thing in my day.
I’m often enthusiastic to go to school and try to attend early to show that enthusiasm.
Punctuality is hard for some people.
My friends and siblings often complain about being unable to attend school on time. I don’t blame them; it’s rather tempting to stay up late in this day and age. I’m lucky to sleep early and wake up without any alarms. Sleep can be more complicated for others, and it was complicated for me for a while.
Another thing they continue talking about is homework.
While I don’t receive homework, my siblings complain about the large amounts they receive. It’s “their get out of any family event free card,” where they can respond, “I have homework to do,” when asked to do anything.
I do like the concept of homework, being able to take the work home and do it for extra marks or study purposes, but the way that concept is being applied, with them being given homework for their standard grade, could be more balanced.
At the same time, my friends are exaggerating about the workload.
They could always work a little bit harder to get their homework done. I can not relate to them. I head out in the afternoons after work, do my homework and leave at 3 p.m. Sometimes, I’ll take my work home. Sometimes I will do it.
My schedule works for me, so I don’t complain, but it is vastly different from the average student’s schedule, so I can only recommend it to myself.
School, I enjoy it. It’s simple. It’s engaging.