4-H inspires new generations

December 24th, 2020 1 Minute
4-H Panel – Image courtesy of the Columbia Basin Institute of Regional History and the Triangle Women’s Institute.

The Triangle Women’s Institute in Grasmere and the Columbia Basin Institute of Regional History embarked on a journey in 2020 to preserve the unique history of their 4-H Club in a museum-style panel that will be part of a 20 part series to be displayed at the Grasmere Pioneer Community Hall.

The four H’s represent the principles and core values of the Club. Members are taught leadership skills, community, pride, and self-empowerment through mentorship and hard work.

Head: managing, thinking
Heart: relating, caring
Hands: giving, working
Health: being, living

The 4-H Club originated with the South Country Boys and Girls Club in the early 1940s.

Over the years, 4-H in the South Country has inspired boys and girls to be their best while promoting good citizenship.

4-H represents inclusion while fostering an open-minded attitude to all of those who wish to participate. The organization’s mandate ensures that discrimination based on “race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or, mental or physical disability” is not a factor.

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